
water measurement

LeakLook’s submetering system is an easy, reliable, and cost-effective way to measure apartment-specific cold and hot water consumption in residential properties.

Our system is designed to work flawlessly in all types of residential properties, both in new buildings and pipeline renovation projects.

Huoneistokohtainen vedenmittaus

Tailored solutions for your property’s needs

Our system enables effortless consumption-based billing, which makes residents’
lives easier and reduces the administrative workload of the property company.

Investment in the system pays for itself quickly as you save water and energy, and manage your consumption efficiently.

veden mittaus huoneistoissa

Apartment-specific water measurement

Modern solution

  • Our apartment-specific water consumption measurement is based on advanced, remotely readable, digital ultrasonic water meters. This state-of-the-art technology enables wireless data transfer of consumption data to the LeakLook cloud service, making apartment-specific consumption monitoring easy and effortless.

  • The water meters are maintenance-free and long-lasting, as well as extremely accurate.

  • LeakLook’s water consumption measurement system enables consumption-based billing based on actual consumption. Our system is designed to be simple and user-friendly.

Carefree water security

  • Our water consumption measurement system is equipped with advanced technology that enables hourly-level monitoring and real-time alerts if leaks or problems in the system are detected.

Savings and facts

  • Water consumption monitoring is key to savings and environmental protection.

  • Changing our consumption habits to be more economical is not easy unless we have a clear and simple way to monitor our own consumption. With LeakLook’s water consumption measurement system, you can easily and effortlessly monitor your own consumption. This allows you to change your consumption habits and make savings.


Why choose LeakLook?

Affordable and time-saving

Manual meter reading needs are eliminated

Cost-effective installation

Wireless system without wiring and free installation position

Consumption data automatically in the right place

Property manager’s work becomes easier when consumption data is easily available

Online service

The service always includes residents’ right to monitor their own consumption from the LeakLook service

Save money

Consumption reduction, leak monitoring, and alerts

API integrations

Water consumption data can be shared via API interface with almost any system.

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Examples of implemented sites

Atlantinkatu 12, Helsinki

  • Built 2020

  • 294 Pipeline renovation

  • Hourly water consumption monitoring cold/hot and leak alerts

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As Oy Voudintupa

Voudinkuja 4, Lohja

  • Built 1973

  • 70 Pipeline renovation

  • Hourly water consumption monitoring cold/hot and leak alerts

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As Oy Ruukinpatruuna

Torikatu 1, Seinäjoki

  • Built 2022, uudiskohde

  • 92 Pipeline renovation

  • Hourly water consumption monitoring cold/hot and leak alerts

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As Oy Laivastokontu

Laivastokatu 12, Helsinki

  • Built 1909

  • 114 Pipeline renovation

  • Hourly water consumption monitoring cold/hot and leak alerts

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As Oy Peltokatu 2

Peltokatu 2, Oulu

  • Built 1977

  • 64 Pipeline renovation

  • Hourly water consumption monitoring cold/hot and leak alerts

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As Oy Liedon Henttalanniitty

Henttalankuja 1, Lieto

  • Built 2022

  • 28 Pipeline renovation

  • Hourly water consumption monitoring cold/hot and leak alerts

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As Oy Lassinmylly

Myllytie 16, Oulu

  • Built 1946

  • 108 Pipeline renovation

  • Hourly water consumption monitoring cold/hot and leak alerts

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As Oy Somerontie

Somerontie 7, Helsinki

  • Built 1980

  • 30 Pipeline renovation

  • Hourly water consumption monitoring cold/hot and leak alerts

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As Oy Simonkallionkuja 4 ja 6 Simonkallionkuja 4 ja 6, Vantaa

  • Built 1970

  • 264 Pipeline renovation

  • Hourly water consumption monitoring cold/hot and leak alerts

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Let’s get in touch

Interested? Contact us or leave a contact request.


Customer service +358 44 970 1284

Sales +358 40 564 1756

Yrjönkatu 10 C L2, 28100 Pori

Lapinlahdenkatu 16 (c/o Maria 01), 00180 Helsinki

Tiedekatu 2 (Frami D), 60320 Seinäjoki